


Our first vision of Cherbourg (once we got out of the suburban maze of Tourlaville) was the industrial zone, since our hotel – the “Bonsai” was there.  Here is their philosophy:

Arbre miniature, originaire de la Chine, le Bonsaï fut le symbole de l'harmonie entre le ciel et la terre, entre l'homme et la nature.

I1 est le lien entre Dieu et les hommes pour les moines bouddhistes...

"Escalier verdoyant conduisant au ciel".

Au cours de la Dynastie Song, le Bonsaï qui représente la noblesse et le raffinement dans l'art de vivre, a donné naissance à une abondante littérature poétique. C'est au 10éme siècle que le Bonsaï est introduit au Japon par les moines bouddhistes Zen. Véritable philosophie de l'art de vivre, le Bonsaï signifie: détente, repos et équilibre intérieur.




The only monument in that area was a huge rusty ship’s propeller – must have great historical importance [???]



But after a breakfast amongst very strange people and a morning watching our TVs – an excellent programme of all the violinists of the 20th century we ventured out into the Cherbourg that they would like us to remember….


After finally working out where to point and park the car, we came across a very pleasant little bar complete with cat and lovebirds

Hear dem boidies sing!



Then we walked along the bassin to the sound of sea shanties sung by a tenor trying to get down to baritone

*           hear dat low-down tenor



Maybe I was trying out my tenor voice here – or what???


Here is the Marina anyway…..





David went off to look at St Trinité,

tried in vain to catch a pigeon which had strayed in there

and tested its echo (of course!)

 [see St Trinite page page for more details]



And finally we set off back to sunnier climes…..




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