24 more arrangements for flute and classical guitar


These works are all also available separately on this site, but if you are interested in acquiring this album, it will afford you a very big discount.
The works are:
Rest Sweet Nymphs (Pilkington)
Summertime (Gershwin)
Brennan on the Moor
Bunt sind schon die Wälder
Camptown Races
Come again (Dowland)
Come into the Garden, Maud (Balfe)
Dashing away with the smoothing iron
Duet based on a study by Fernando Sor
Après un Rêve (Fauré)
Ich danke dem Herrn (Schütz)
If my complaints (Dowland)
Invitation to the Journey (Diepenbrock)
Let now the Harp
Music for a while (Purcell)
Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt (Tschaikovsky)
Old Vienna
Si la Noche hace oscura (Pisador)
Tants tants Yidelech
Up I arose
Variations on the Willow Song
Varshaver Freylechs
With my love my life was nestled (Thomas Morley)
Yiddish folksong medley.