Instrumental Quartet based on my original vocal setting of “Double Glazing” by Stanley N. Solomons
Noontide, and I’m gazing here
Through the double glazing there,
At the garden with no sound.
Gaze out to the real, where
The plangent sun blares down,
Like clanging brass, but silently.
The wind mischievously weaves
Ballet scenes before my eyes
With slender pirouetting trees,
Waving grass, and posing leaves.
And I gaze into the garden,
Peering through the double glazing
At the grass and trees and sky,
Where the glaring sun is brazen.
Yet I add meaning, I add sense,
I who write the missing music,
Lending to the world a logic,
Testing it for coherence.
For the reality is mine,
Filtered through the double-glazing
Of the eye and of the mind,
Filling all the world with meaning,
© Stanley N Solomons June 2nd 2009