Arrangement for string octet of an anthem by Giovanni Croce (1559-1609). As there are no words, I have added various articulations.
Buccinate in neomenia tuba, In insigni die solemnitatis vestrae.
In voce exultationis, in voce tubae corneae, exultate Deo adjutori nostro.
Jubilemus/Jubilate Deo in chordis et organo, In tympano et choro.
Cantate et exultate et psallite sapienter.
Blow the trumpet in the new moon, at the sign of your solemn feast day. Alleluia.
With a voice of rejoicing, with the sound of the trumpet, rejoice in the Lord our help. Alleluia.
Let us rejoice/Rejoice in God with strings and organ, with drum and in chorus.
Sing and rejoice and sing psalms as well as you know how.