Chi la gagliarda (Whoever wants to learn the galliard) arranged for wind quartet



Transcription (with added articulations for the instruments) of a madrigal by Baldassare Donato

Original lyrics (English version below)

Chi la gagliarda donna vo imparare,
Venit’ a nui che simo, mastri fini,
Che de ser’ e de matina
Mai manchiamo, di sonare:
Tan tan tan tarira, ra ti ru ra.
Chi la gagliarda donna vo imparare,
sotto lo mastro elle
sotto lo mastro el bisognia stare
Che de ser’ e de matina
Mai manchiamo di sonare:
Tan tan tan tarira, ra ti ru ra.

Whoever wants to learn the galliard, lady,
Come to us, who are shrewd masters,
We who in the evening and in the morning
Never stop playing:
Tan tan tan tarira, ra ti ru ra.
Whoever wants to learn the galliard, lady,
Must stay under the master
We who in the evening and in the morning
Never stop playing:
Tan tan tan tarira, ra ti ru ra.