A lyrical and tonally ambiguous piece based on my song “The Imagined Conversation”.
…and in the silence I recall the many times we spent:
the show was over and done.
The audience had long long gone,
and we were sitting there, waiting, waiting.
One of us just had to speak.
You said “Will it ever be like tonight again? you and I singing true you and I singing tenderly as if we were the parts we played.
The people thought we were so in love.”
And then I said to you “My Love, it can always be like tonight! Truly! Oh won’t you come home with me?
You and I singing true you and I in reality, not just the story of the show, truly!”
And in reply you reminded me of those many times.
“Let’s just remember the show. I was cold and you held me warmed me kissed me fondled me that night
and I’m so cold at night!
But…. Don’t ask again friend!
Don’t ask again just friend!
Please do not ask
Stop playing with me let’s just stay friends!”
Into the night you left me alone
It could never be it was just in my mind!
You heard nothing of what I said and in the silence I said to myself
“When will I ever tell you out loud what I feel?”
Electronic preview of the clarinet and piano version