O Vos Omnes for wind quintet



Instrumental transcription of a motet by Prince Carlo Gesualdo (of Venosa).
Gesualdo used many unusual harmonies and may be regarded as the providing the final emotional outburst of the Renaissance era
(given his own personal history, that may be understood!).

These are the words of the original motet writen for the period of Lent:

O vos omnes qui transitis per víam, attendite et videte:
Si est dolor símilis sícut dolor meus.
Attendite, universi populi, et videte dolorem meum.
Si est dolor símilis sícut dolor meus.

O all you who walk by on the road, consider and see:
if there be any sorrow like my sorrow.
Consider, all you people, and look at my sorrow:
if there be any sorrow like my sorrow.