Sagesse – flute and guitar


Piece for flute and guitar based on my setting of Sagesse by Paul Verlaine

Sagesse – by Paul Verlaine

Le ciel est pardessus le toit, si bleu si calme
un arbre pardessus le toit berce sa palme
la cloche dans le ciel qu’on voit doucement tinte
un oiseau sur l’arbre qu’on voit chante sa plainte
mon Dieu, mon Dieu, la vie est là
simple et tranquille
cette paisible rumeur-là vient de la ville
Qu’as-tu fait, oh toi que voilà pleurant sans cesse
dis, qu’as-tu fait de ta jeunesse?

My “singing translation” is as follows

The sky above the eaves is blue, is blue and calm
a tree in spreading leaves sways its arms
the church bell in the sky softly rings
a bird perched in the tree bitter-sweet sings
my God, true life is there, simple serene,
far away gentle bustle of the town scene.
Oh…what have you done, consumed by tears
What have you done with your young years?

Video of performance by the Billington Gonzalez Duo: