Arrangement of 3 songs from the Auvergne
The pdf file contains scores and parts of all 3 songs.
The 3 songs are also available separately.
The sound sample is an electronic preview of the third song (Ound Onoren)
They comprise:
1. Bailero
in which a shepherd and a shepherdess sing from each side of a valley – one tries to persuade the other to bring his/her flock over to her/his side of the valley.
Original words (in Auvergnat)
“Pastré, dè dèlaï l’aïo a gaïré dé boun tèn, dio lou baïlèro lèro. Lèro lèro lèro lèro baïlèro lô.””E n’en ai gaïré è dio tu baïlèro lèro. Lèro lèro lèro lèro baïlèro lô.”
“Pastré lou prat faï flour, li cal gorda toun troupèl, dio lou baïlèro lèro. Lèro lèro lèro lèro baïlèro lô.” “L’èrb ès pu fin ol prat d’oïci, baïlèro lèro. Lèro lèro lèro lèro baïlèro lô.”
“Pastré, couci foraï en o bal io lou bel rîou, dio lou baïlèro lèro. Lèro lèro lèro lèro baïlèro lô.” “Espèro mé té baô circa baïlèro lèro. Lèro lèro lèro lèro baïlèro lô.”
My English singing version:
“Shepherd, across the water, you stand in wind and rain, sing the bailero lero. Lero lero lero lero bailero lo.” “I stand in wind and rain and sing bailero lero. Lero lero lero lero bailero lo.”
“Shepherd, see these fair fields, come and feed your flocks, sing the bailero lero. Lero lero lero lero, bailero lo.” “Here all the grass is greener, sing bailero lero. Le ro lero lero lero bailero lo.”
“Shepherd, the water keeps me from crossing over, sing bailero lero. Lero lero lero lero, bailero lo.” “I shall come down and fetch you o’er, bailero lero. Lero lero lero lero bailero lo.”
2. L’aio de rotso
in which the singer is trying to convince a young lady that spring water is not good for her, she should be enjoying wine instead!
Original words (in Auvergnat)
L’aïo dé rotso té foro mourir, filhoto, l’aïo dé rotso té foro mourir.
Né té cal pas beïr oquel aïo quel aïo,
mes cal prendr’ un couot d’oquel aïo dé bi!
S’uno filhoto sé bouol morida, pitchouno, s’uno filhoto sé bouol morida,
li cal pas douna d’oquel aïo dé rotso,
aïmaro miliour oquel aïo dé bi.
My English singing translation:
Sparkling spring water, little girl, that drink is fatal. Sparkling spring water will not let you live.
You should never drink of the spring’s flowing water, you should take the water the vine will provide
When a young maiden wants to wed, oh little one, so when a young maiden wants a wedding fine,
she should not be given the spring’s flowing water, she will much prefer if it comes from the vine.
3. Ound Onoren
in which the shepherd asks his shepherdess sweetheart where they should go to feed their flocks this beautiful morning.
Original words (in Auvergnat)
Ound’ onorèn gorda, pitchouno droouleto?
Ound’ onorèn gorda lou troupel pèl moti?
Onorèn obal din lou ribèirèto, din lou pradel l’erb è fresquèto.
Païsaren loï fèdoï pèlloï flours.
Al loun del tsour nous forons l’omour!
Ogatso louï moutous, pitchouno droouleto, ogatso louï moutous lèï obilhé maï nous.
Ogatso loï fedoï qué païssou l’erbo, è lèïs obilhé qué païssou lou flours,
naôtres pitchouno qué sound’aïma, per viouvr’ o bon lou plosir d’omour.
My English singing translation:
Where shall we go to feed all our flocks this morning?
Where shall we go my, pretty one, oh, tell me where?
Let us go down to the side of the river, in that green meadow the grass is so fresh.
We’ll graze our flocks there among the flowers and love will reign all the live-long day!
Oh look at all the sheep now, my pretty darling oh look at all the sheep and the bees and us two;
See the sheep as they graze the meadow’s grasses and humming bees as they feed from flowers;
but we my darling, we love all the time and love will feed us with pleasure pure!
Video of Bailero for clarinet and guitar: