Instrumental version of my setting of Gavin Ewart’s satirical poem in which he considers the
effects of nuclear war from the point of view of a person
who only thinks of food.
Originally written for alto voice and guitar.
In places the guitar part mimics the song from Oliver: “Food Glorious food”
Original poem:
I suppose you all realise
we shall lose the sizzling sausages
and the mild mountains of mashed potatoes
boiled silverside with dumplings
raspberries and cream
we shall vanish from the pecking order
of the chicken tikka
trout with almonds will swim away from us
little lambs will no more jump into our mouths
fragrant with rosemary
All the good wholesome foods
will vanish just as surely as sophisticated dishes
And what shall we be left with?
Some assorted politicians ….
not very good to eat!
Some dispirited rootcrops
tinned food perhaps
ev’rything else burned up
the culture of the kitchen,
the chef’s wisdom of the ages
vanished in flame like the bread in a toaster!
The end of eating civilisation as we know it!