The Scottish Banana – cello and piano


Instrumental re-working of my folksong based on the enjoyment of the deep fried banana in Scotland

Young Hamish he went out to buy him some chips
and ordered a haddock and good saucy dips
His eyes then did wander and he licked his lips
‘Cause he’d spotted a Scottish banana

“Och aye! that’ll do me!
The deep fried banana’s just right for my tea!”
So Hamish he emptied his wallet right there
and all for the Scottish banana.

all for the Scottish
all for the Scottish
all for the Scottish banana

Now everyone knows deep fried food does you good
Provided you have a wee apple for pud
But Hamish just kept all that under his hood
Preferring his Scottish banana.

“Och aye! that’ll do me!
Cos deep fried bananas are all I can see!”
So Hamish he picked up his package of food
including the Scottish banana.

all for the Scottish
all for the Scottish
all for the Scottish banana

Young Hamish went home now with all of his haul
Sat down on the sofa with TV and all
He opened the package and started to bawl
There was fish and chips but no banana!

“Och nay! I’ll check where I went
It surely was stolen by some passing gent
Or else it escaped while my money was spent
Oh where is my Scottish banana?”

all for the Scottish
all for the Scottish
all for the Scottish banana

But Hamish just couldn’t account for his loss
He looked in the heather, he looked in the moss
He questioned a passing great white albatross
But nary a sign of banana!

“Oh nay, where can it be?
Bananas don’t vanish, bananas don’t flee!”
So Hamish he turned and then quite suddenly
He slipped on his Scottish banana!

all for the Scottish
all for the Scottish
all for the Scottish banana