Variations on Remember, O Thou Man (A Christmas Carroll from Ravenscroft’s Melismata) for string quartet



A Christmas Carroll from Ravenscroft’s Melismata) for clarinet quartet (3 B flat clarinets and 1 bass clarinet)

The original tune by Thomas Ravenscroft is altered slightly at the end in the hymn that is sung these days.
I have gone along with the modernised version.
In these variations each of the instruments gets tune and divisions in turn.
It is more jolly (time of Christmas) than penitential (time of Lent or Advent), but, as it is in the minor mode, it can be used for either.

Some of the words of the original hymn :

Remember, O thou man,
O thou man, O thou man,
Remember O thou man,
Thy time is spent.
Remember, O thou man,
How thou cams’t to me then,
And I did what I can,
Therefore repent.

Remember Adam’s fall,
O thou man, O thou man!
Remember Adam’s fall
From heaven to hell!
Remember Adam’s fall,
How we were condemned all
To hell perpetual,
There for to dwell.

Remember God’s goodness,
O thou man, O thou man!
Remember God’s goodness,
And promise made!
Remember God’s goodness,
How His only Son He sent
Our sins for to redress,
Be not afraid.


Give thanks to God always,
O thou man, O thou man!
Give thanks to God always,
With heart most joyfully
Give thanks to God always,
Upon this blessed day,
Let all men sing and say:
“Holy, holy!”