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Capellidiluna (Barbara Dellavalle, clarinet and Manuela Capelli, pianoforte)
performed the concert
CELTIC LINES concert on Tuesday 30 April 2019
at Padiglione Ex 18, Viale Giuseppe Garibaldi, 96, 13100 Vercelli VC, Italy
which included four of my “Folksong Snapshots”

They write:
“Celtic lines è pensiero armonico in movimento espresso attraverso brani musicali dal sapore celtico.

Il progetto si propone di accendere un faro per riportare alla luce armonie, scorci, dettagli ed emozioni legati all’epoca e al fascino dell’Abbazia di S. Andrea avvicinando la cultura musicale medioevale celtica al linguaggio esecutivo contemporaneo.”

[Celtic lines is harmonic thinking in movement expressed through musical pieces with a Celtic flavor.

The project aims to light a lighthouse to bring to light harmonies, views, details and emotions linked to the era and the charm of the Abbey of St. Andrea, bringing Celtic medieval musical culture closer to the contemporary language of performance.]

The programme was:
David Warin Solomons – Four Folksong Snapshots

Ralph Vaughan Williams – Six studies in English folk-songs

Armando Ghidoni – Jazzy-Celtic Suite

and selections of traditional Celtic pieces reviewed in contemporary style.