Following the death of my good friend Joseph Dillon Ford in 2017, I discussed various matters with his other friends and relations.
Finally it was decided to publish his works on sheetmusicplus.com so that his music can be preserved.
Proceeds will go to his family.
These are the pieces published to date and references to his other works and activities:
Orchestral – Chamber – Harpsichord – Piano – Vocal – Choral – Other (incl mixed instrumental versions)
Joseph’s Spotify playlist Joseph’s Video playlist Joseph’s website: newmusicclassics.org
Joseph’s writings Delian Society Suites
Tribute to Ludwig van Beethoven for chamber orchestra Downloadable mp3
Siyotanka or Variations on Westron Wynde for flute (or North American Native Flute) and strings
Fitch Overture for chamber orchestra Video Downloadable mp3
Symphony No 1 G Minor (“The Muse in the Attic”)
Symphony in C MINOR – The Fitch Symphony – all four movements (33 minutes)
Symphony in C MINOR – The Fitch Symphony – 1st movement (Allegro agitato)
Symphony in C MINOR – The Fitch Symphony – 2nd movement (Andantino)
Symphony in C MINOR – The Fitch Symphony – 3rd movement (Minuet)
Symphony in C MINOR – The Fitch Symphony – 4th movement (Rondo Allegro)
Symphony in F In Memoriam Johann Wolfgang von Goethe for orchestra (complete symphony with parts)
Symphony in F In Memoriam Johann Wolfgang von Goethe for orchestra – 1st movement
Symphony in F In Memoriam Johann Wolfgang von Goethe for orchestra – 2nd movement
Symphony in F In Memoriam Johann Wolfgang von Goethe for orchestra – 3rd movement
Symphony in F In Memoriam Johann Wolfgang von Goethe for orchestra – 4th movement
Thanatopsis (contemplation of death) for string orchestra (or string quartet) Downloadable mp3
Serenissima for string orchestra with flute, oboe, clarinet and bassoon soloists Downloadable mp3
Invocation for string orchestra (or string quartet or synthesizers)
Sinfonia No. I for harpsichord and strings
Sinfonia No. 2 for harpsichord and strings
Eclatant, le soleil surgit: c’est le matin! – for bassoon and strings Video
Après l’homme le Horla – for violin, bassoon and piano
Prelude to the Delian Suite No 7 Robin Hood and his Merry Men for clarinet quartet Video
Robin Hood & His Merry Men (Scherzo) for clarinet quartet Downloadable mp3
Eidolons for clarinet quartet in memory of Johannes Brahms
Les Sept péchés capitaux [The Seven Deadly Sins] for Bassoon
(with optional short solo for contrabassoon near the end) and Piano
Summer Evening on the Terrace of the Café Maxim Gorky for clarinet and piano
OX for flute and guitar with optional narrator – a contemplative Zen Buddhist work
Fuga a tre (3 part fugue) for string trio
Fuga a tre (3 part fugue) for wind trio
Suite for Two Violins (all 8 movements)
Suite for Two Violins – 1 Allemande
Suite for Two Violins – 2 Courante
Suite for Two Violins – 3 Sarabande
Suite for Two Violins – 4 Hornpipe
Suite for Two Violins – 5 Lamento
Suite for Two Violins – 6 Duetto
Suite for Two Violins – 7 Polacca
Suite for Two Violins – 8 Fuga
Tombeau for Unaccompanied Viola
Tombeau for Unaccompanied Violin
Tombeau de Sébastien I for guitar solo
Tombeau de Sébastien II for guitar duo
Dodo Titite – Serenade – for the Haiti 2010 earthquake appeal – flute and guitar Downloadable mp3
Dodo Titite – Wide Awake – for the Haiti 2010 earthquake appeal – flute and guitar Downloadable mp3
Thy Speech is as silence for cor anglais, harpsichord and cello
Sonnet for cor anglais, harpsichord and cello
Childe Henry’s Booke of Excellent Adventures for Trumpet in C and Pianoforte
Fuga a quattro voci (4 part fugue) for harpsichord (4 hands and 2 manuals)
Ancient Dances for harpsichord
Partita in D minor for harpsichord
Harpsichord Concerto (for harpsichord and string quartet or harpsichord and string orchestra) Video
Downloadable mp3s of the harpsichord concerto: 1st movement 2nd movement 3rd movement
Capricietto per il clavicembalo (Capricietto for Harpsichord)
Capriccio per il clavicembalo (Capriccio for Harpsichord) in D Minor
Fuga a tre (3 part fugue) for keyboard
Drei Satanische Skizzen (“Three Satanic Sketches”) for piano solo
Caprice en forme d’arabesques (Caprice in the Form of Arabesques) for piano solo
Three Chromicons for piano solo Downloadable mp3
There and Back Again for piano solo
The Tears of Ishtar (Les pleurs d’Istar) for piano solo
Yellowstone Joan (in E flat) for piano solo
Yellowstone Joan (in B flat) for piano solo
A House of Pomegranates for piano solo (all 4 movements)
The Young King from “A House of Pomegranates” for piano solo
The birthday of the Infanta from “A House of Pomegranates” for piano solo
The Fisherman and his soul from “A House of Pomegranates” for piano solo
The Star-Child from “A House of Pomegranates” for piano solo
Sonatinas and Other Pieces from the Viennese Sketchbook for piano solo (complete bundle)
2 Minuets from Sonatinas and Other Pieces from the Viennese Sketchbook for piano solo
Andantino from Sonatinas and Other Pieces from the Viennese Sketchbook for piano solo
Sonatina (La Siciliana) from Sonatinas and Other Pieces from the Viennese Sketchbook for piano solo
Rondo in D from Sonatinas and Other Pieces from the Viennese Sketchbook for piano solo
Rondo in C from Sonatinas and Other Pieces from the Viennese Sketchbook for piano solo
Sonatina in C from Sonatinas and Other Pieces from the Viennese Sketchbook for piano solo
Christopher’s Closet – 6 pieces for piano
The Devil’s Millhopper for piano solo
Vier Romantische Klavierstücke (Four Romantic Piano Pieces)
The Abduction of Princess Elena for piano solo
Piano Concerto No. I in C Major (“Schroedinger’s Cat”) – Orchestral Score and Parts – 1st movement
Piano Concerto No. I in C Major (“Schroedinger’s Cat”) – Orchestral Score and Parts – 2nd movement
Piano Concerto No. I in C Major (“Schroedinger’s Cat”) – Orchestral Score and Parts – 3rd movement
Piano Concerto No. I in C Major (“Schroedinger’s Cat”) piano duo version – all three movements
Piano Concerto No. I in C Major (“Schroedinger’s Cat”) piano duo version – 1st movement
Piano Concerto No. I in C Major (“Schroedinger’s Cat”) piano duo version – 2nd movement
Piano Concerto No. I in C Major (“Schroedinger’s Cat”) piano duo version – 3rd movement
Etudes Tombeaux Series 1 for piano solo Video (of Capriccio)
Etudes Tombeaux Series 2 for piano solo
Wanderers Nachtlied (“Wanderer’s Night Song”) for piano solo
Fantasia in C minor for piano solo
Suite française no. 1 pour le clavecin (French Suite No. 1 for Harpsichord)
From the Shadowland 6 pieces for piano solo
From the Shadowland (supplement) for piano solo
Sonata in C Minor for Pianoforte Solo (“Werther”)
Sonata in F Major for Pianoforte Solo
Sonata in A Major for Pianoforte solo
3 cameos for piano solo – also available separately as below)
Deep Blue for piano solo Downloadable mp3
¡Espero que si! for piano solo
Solo Vocal
Thy Speech is as silence for alto voice, harpsichord and cello
Sonnet for alto voice, harpsichord and cello
Three Poems by Henry Stevens for alto and piano
Three Songs of Love and Death for soprano voice and piano
There’s Somebody Lookin’ at Me for soprano voice and piano
Yellowstone Joan (in E flat) for soprano and piano
Yellowstone Joan (in B flat) for alto and piano
Loves Ancient and Forbidden – 3 songs for tenor and piano
To an unknown God, from Loves Ancient and Forbidden – for tenor and piano
Icarus, from Loves Ancient and Forbidden – for tenor and piano
Marisol, from Loves Ancient and Forbidden – for tenor and piano
Amelia’s Song for TTBarB (or ATBarB) chorus
Requiem in tempore belli (Requiem in Time of War) for SATB choir and strings
Celestial Light for choir (SATB) and strings or keyboard
The Gate of Hell for male voice choir (from Dante’s Inferno) Video
The Gate of Purgatory for alto, bass and organ (from Dante’s Inferno) Video
The Gate of Heaven (or the Gate of Paradise) for male voice choir and organ (from Dante’s Inferno) Video
Surrender for male voice choir Video
MYTHUS for Choir and Orchestra – Stanza 1 (note: only Stanzas 1, 3, 5, and 7 of Mythus are available)
MYTHUS for Choir and String Orchestra – Stanza 3
MYTHUS for Choir and Orchestra – Stanza 5
MYTHUS for Choir and Orchestra – Stanza 7
Other (including mixed instrumental versions)
Themes of the Buddhas of Bamiyan
Theme of The Colors of Peace – (versions in 4 time and 3 time)