Schubert’s setting of words from Goethe’s “Wilhelm Meister” (with my singing translation in English) transposed to the key of E minor
for low voice and guitar.
In some places the guitar part is simplified in comparison to the original piano part
in order to improve the flowing quality and to make it possible for one person to accompany herself/himself on the guitar.
A version for low voice and piano also in E minor, is also available
The three individual songs (“Wer sich der Einsamkeit ergibt”, “Wer nie sein Brot mit Tränen ass”, “An die Türen”)
and also all three together (under the title “Gesänge des Harfners (songs of the harpist)” ) are available on this site
The pdf file contains the score and also the separate parts.
An die Türen
An die Türen will ich schleichen,
Still und sittsam will ich steh’n;
Fromme Hand wird Nahrung reichen,
Und ich werde weitergehn.
Jeder wird sich glücklich scheinen,
Wenn mein Bild vor ihm erscheint;
Eine Träne wird er weinen,
Und ich weiß nicht, was er weint.
I will creep up to the doors and
stand there quiet and polite
goodly hands will give me food and
grateful I will leave their sight
Every person will seem happy
When they see me at their door
They will shed a tear which I
will never know the reason for.
(English translation (c) 2015 David Warin Solomons)