Easter Carol (by Charles Wood) for recorder quartet



Instrumental arrangement of Charles Wood’s Easter carol

Words of the original carol by John Mason Neale:

Joy in thee, joy to thee,
Day of our victory!
Joy that old things are past away:

For thee the bells are ringing,
Quires are singing,
Flow’rets springing,
Sunbeams flinging
Over earth their gladdest ray:

When He arose
From calm repose,
To crush our foes
And our woes.

Burst is the prison,
Sin is vanquish’d,
Death hath fled:
He hath arisen,
He is living that was dead.

Joy for sorrow,
Happy morrow,
After night of terror:

Home for strangers,
Peace Peace from from dangers,
Wisdom after error:

Strength from weakness,
Winter’s bleakness
By glad springtide

follow’d Tempests vanish’d,
Sickness banish’d,
Death in in vict’ry swallow’d
No more weeping,
No more keeping Vigil now,
nor fasting Tears are drying,
Grief is flying,
Joy is everlasting.

Day of light and brilliancy,
Breaking forth so gloriously!
Day of grace and majesty,
Pardon and serenity,

Messenger of victory,
Portal of eternity,
Christ hath aris’n in thee.
Alleluya. As He hath ris’n so we

Alleluya. We joy in the joy of our Lord,
Alleluya. We seek through the Cross the reward.