Una panthera in compagnia de Marte (A Panther in company of Mars) arranged for brass trio



Instrumental arrangement of a three-voice Italian madrigal by Johannes Ciconia (1370 – 1412),
which was written to celebrate the visit of the nobleman Lazzaro Guinigi from Lucca
to Ciconia’s employer Giangaleazzo Visconti in Padua in 1399.

The lyrics are intended to flatter their guest by referring to the mythical founding of his city, Lucca,
by an armored panther (or leopard), in the company of the war-god Mars.
The celebration of the creature’s strong defence of the city was intended to encourage Lazzaro to accept
terms for a political and military alliance between Lucca and Padua.

The pdf file contains score and parts.
The sound sample is an electronic preview.

The first stanza and ritornello have the following words in the original madrigal:
Una panthera in compagnia de Marte
Candido Jove d’un sereno adorno
Constant è l arme chi la guarda intorno.
Dando a ciaschun mortal che ne sia degno
Triumpho, gloria e parte in questo regno.