Variations on Joseph Barnby’s Easter hymn Alleluia! Alleluia! Hearts and voices heavenward raise for string quartet



This instrumental arrangement of Joseph Barnby’s Easter hymn begins with the original and, as the top melody is taken over by
other instruments there are various countermelodies, and eventually a twittering of birds.

The original words of the hymn (by Christopher Wordsworth), begin:

1 Alleluia! Alleluia!
Hearts and voices heavenward raise:
Sing to God a hymn of gladness,
Sing to God a hymn of praise:
He, Who on the cross a victim,
For the world’s salvation bled,
Jesus Christ, the King of glory,
Now is risen from the dead.

2 Now the iron bars are broken,
Christ from death to life is born,
Glorious life, and life immortal,
On this holy Easter morn:
Christ has triumphed, and we conquer
By His mighty enterprise,
We with Him to life eternal
By His resurrection rise.