At the request of the virtuoso Romanian violinist Daniel Mihai I created several pieces for violin solo based on Romanian and English folk tunes.
There are six pieces in all:
Flung at Mallow – a quirky variation on the Mallow fling
Spic de grâu – grain of wheat, which also has a mystic significance in Romanian Christian tradition
Bobby Shafto – sung by a girl whose sailor boyfriend has gone to sea but she is optimistic that he will return
Tarina de pe Gaina – song about the land near Mount Gaina (part of the Apuseni Mountains), where Romanians often meet to perform folkloric dances
Oh no John No (the Lass of Richmond Hill) – song of a would-be lover, but the girl says “No”.
De Doi – a quick joyful dance for 2 men and 2 women
A bundle of all 6 pieces is also available, entitled “Anglo-Romanian Suite for solo violin”.
The video here is the whole suite performed by Daniel Mihai