Some silly songs for alto and guitar
composed and performed by David W Solomons
based on the following 5 poems:
There was a young belle of old Natchez
whose garments were always in patchez
when comment arose
on the state of her clothes
she drawled “When Ah itchez, Ah scratchez!”
[Ogden Nash]
Beneath this slab John Brown is stowed
He watched the ads … and not the road!
[Ogden Nash]
The Devil having nothing else to do
went off to tempt my Lady Poltagrue
my Lady, tempted by a private whim,
to his extreme annoyance, tempted,
she tempted him!
[Hilaire Belloc]
The laughter of the lesser lynx
is often insincere
it pays to be polite, he thinks,
when royalty is near.
So when the lion steals his food
and kicks him from behind
he smiles of course …
but oh! the rude remarks that cross his mind!
[E V Rieu]
The common cormorant (or shag)
lays eggs inside a paper bag.
The reason you can see no doubt
is to keep the lightning out.
but what these unobservant birds
have never thought of is that herds
of wandering bears might come with buns
and steal the bags to hold the crumbs!
[Christopher Isherwood]